As an adult I started reading fairytales. The images that stayed with me over the years are the ones where the protagonist, weary from traveling, was welcomed into someones home, usually a cottage in the woods, and given food and rest and encouragement to carry on. The simple meal that was so often on offer was almost always fresh bread and milk. So simple yet so nourishing. I longed to be the one resting at the table but also hoped to one day be the one offering the bread and milk. I do not yet have a cottage in the woods. Instead, I have this. So welcome to Bread and Milk.

Recipes and stories that inspire you to get in your kitchen to try something new.

Hi, I’m Laura. I find rest and joy in reading cookbooks, walks in the woods, and trying new things in the kitchen.

There is so much delight to be found in the act of cooking for yourself and others. I hope that this space gives you inspiration for tonights dinner, courage to try something new, and joy in all things food.


 Contact me.

have a question about a recipe? Just want to say “Hello!”? I’d love to hear from you.

Follow me on instagram @breadandmilkblog