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Spiced Couscous with Chicken and Burnt Eggplant

Summer has come to a close. The calendar says so and the weather here in Connecticut is following suit. I’m not sure why or how but this year I found myself completely caught off guard by the changing of the seasons. I absolutely adore the cooler weather and the changing leaves, my soul feels at home in fall. But I was so content with summer this year that I found myself a little reluctant to move on. This is so unlike me that I feel a little unsettled by that statement. Though, with deeper reflection I realize that I was just so content this summer. Despite Covid, I really feel like we made the most of summer. The simplicity of our schedule, though sometimes monotonous, felt sacred and peaceful. I am glad that I feel this way though. 2020 is a year that most of us are eager to leave behind and I’m sure all of us are struggling to find joy and peace in the midst of such a turbulent year. So, I am thankful that there is still so much to be thankful for. Summer is done. Tomatoes no longer fill my counter and the peaches are all gone but apples and squash are filling their place and persimmons will soon follow (Yay!).

Also, eggplant is still in season! See, there is much to be thankful for. Eggplant is my currant favorite thing to eat and my favorite way to eat it is to char it and plop it on top of various different grains with a dollop of yogurt. I thank Yotam Ottolenghi for the inspiration. We’ve eaten so much eggplant this year thanks to his obsession with it. As I’ve cooked my way through his various cookbooks over the years I’ve learned a few things. Always be bold and generous with your herbs and eggplant is a household staple.

I know we’re all supposed to be cooking squash right now but this dish is my ideal early fall meal. It’s very comforting but not heavy. Its ingredients feel fresh and lively and the mix of spices make it feel cozy. The other thing I love about this dish is that it is soooo easy to put together. Once you have the eggplant sliced and the chicken and onion diced, it comes together in about 20-25 minutes. Which in its self is a thing of beauty. If you are not into eggplant, I suppose your poor tired soul could add some roasted zucchini. So if you take a break from pumpkins and apples, I suggest you put this on your menu. You won’t regret it. Happy fall everyone!

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